>>Traffic Arrangements on PATHE motorway for test drilling

Traffic Arrangements on PATHE motorway for test drilling

Traffic Arrangements will take place on the PATHE motorway and morespecifically on Bogiati I/C (Agios Stefanos) aiming to perform test drilling.

More specifically, from Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at 08:00 a.m. to Friday, May 16, 2014 at 16:00 p.m. there will be:

  • Full closure of the Emergency Lane, from Km 23 to km 22,6, direction to Athens.
  • Partial closure of the Deceleration Lane from km 22,6 to km 21,8, direction to Athens. During this closure, the traffic will be conducted from the remaining width of the carriageway.

Nea Odos has taken all the necessary security measures for the safety of the drivers while relevant temporarily signs will be installed in the area to provide fully information regarding the diversion.

Nea Odos wants to thank in advance the drivers for their understanding and also invites them to show extreme caution and follow strictly the relevant signs.