>>Traffic Arrangements in St. Constantine and Kamena Vourla area

Traffic Arrangements in St. Constantine and Kamena Vourla area

Short-term traffic arrangements will apply in PATHE highway near St. Constantine and Kamena Vourla area, with the aim of carrying out the annual maintenance and restoration works for the electrical / mechanical equipment of tunnels.

-From 26/06/2012 to 28/06/2012, we will proceed to complete exclusion of the specific section of the highway direction to Athens, while the traffic direction to Lamia will be carried out normally. (Diversion from Loggos interchange at 161 km until the western Kamena Vourla interchange at 176 km.)
-From 03/07/2012 to 05/07/2012, we will proceed to complete exclusion of the specific section of the highway direction Lamia, while the traffic direction to Athens will be carried out normally. (Diversion from the western Kamena Vourla interchange at 176 km until Loggos interchange at 161km)

The maintenance works will be implemented daily from 08:00 until 19:00, and the shift of traffic will be as already mentioned, through the Regional Road of St. Constantine and Kamena Vourla.

For the above traffic arrangements, we will place relevant temporary highway signs, in order to fully inform the drivers. (Destination information signs, regulatory signs speed limits, reflective cones, warning signs, etc.)

Nea Odos wants to thank in advance the drivers for their understanding and also calls them to show extreme caution and follow strictly the relevant signs.