>>Professional Drivers

Professional Drivers

Take part in the European survey for the “Safe and Secure Truck Parking Areas – SSTPAs” 

Nea Odos wants to be the best travel companion for professional drivers also. If you are a professional driver, read the below procedure regarding your trip as you must follow it if you transfer ab normal load or drive a super sized vehicle.

  • The interested party may inform Nea Odos (at least 1 business day prior to the date of passing through the toll station) regarding their vehicle passing through the Metamorfosi I/C – Skarfia I/C section or the Antirrio I/C – Egnatia I/C section, by filling out and sending an Information Form by fax to 210-6180050 or by e-mail to, from Monday to Friday (09:00 to 15:00). Forms received after 15:00 are processed on the next business day. Applications for same-day crossings are not accepted.
  • Nea Odos sends the Entry Acceptance Notification form to the interested party by fax or e-mail.
  • On the day on which the vehicle will pass through the toll station, the driver must contact the Motorway Management Centre (MMC) by calling 1075 (at least 1 hour before entering the concession project’s boundaries) and mentioning the protocol number PROT. No: ΧΧ/ΧΧ/ΧΧ/ ΧΧΧ, so that the MMC can take any measures deemed necessary for the safe crossing of the vehicles. According to Decision No 966/2 – Government Gazette Series II/No 5266/30-11-2020 of the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT), calling 1075 is subject to the tariff policy of each mobile and landline telephony provider. For more information, please visit your provider’s website and the Prices, Telecommunications, and Retail Postal Products observatory of EETT by clicking on the following link:
  • While passing through Toll Stations, Toll Collectors may ask oversize vehicle drivers for the protocol number of the Entry Acceptance Notification form and shall immediately inform the Toll station shift supervisor. At the same time, they shall ask the driver to wait on the lane until their entry acceptance is verified (average time, 1 minute). Pass through the Toll Station using exclusively the lane at the very right, the special lorry crossing lane.

Implementing this process improves the services provided to professional users and enhances traffic safety.

We should note that in order to ensure the sound operation of the motorway while overweight/oversize vehicles and machinery travel along the motorway and through tunnels, the maximum dimension allowed are:

Height: 4.80 metres. The width is determined according to the table below:









The above dimensions are valid if they are not impacted by current traffic regulations for roadworks, which you can be informed about by the traffic department.

It should be noted that the Entry Acceptance Notification does NOT substitute the project oversize – overweight vehicle/machinery entry permit provided for by Article 53 of the Traffic Code. It is issued by Nea Odos to professional users so as to inform them about the possibility of project oversize – overweight vehicle/machinery passing through, in accordance with the scheduled works and the current traffic conditions.

For any further clarification or information, the traffic department is your disposal at 210 3447326.