>>Professional Drivers

Professional Drivers

Nea Odos, in the framework of its continuous efforts to improve its services towards professional users of the motorway, upgraded the system for issuing Entrance Forms for Overweight/Oversized Vehicles and Construction Machinery in the motorway.

The procedure for the entrance of oversized/overweight vehicles and construction machinery is the following:

  1. The driver should inform Nea Odos (at least 1 working day before the date of passage) that the vehicle will pass from the Metamorfossi – Skarfia I/C or the Antirrio – Egnatia I/C. Drivers should do so by filling in a relevant Form and by sending it via fax to 210 – 6180050 or via email: ,from Monday to Friday (09:00 to 15:00). Forms received after 15:00 will be registered on the next business day. Applications for same-day passages will not be accepted.
    2. Nea Odos will then send the Entrance Acceptance Form to the interested party by fax or email.
    3. On the day of passage, the driver should contact the Traffic Management Centre by calling at 1075 (at least 1 hour before entering the concession project limits) and provide the details of the relevant protocol number of the form: XX/XX/XX/XXX, so that the Traffic Management Centre is able to take all the appropriate measures in order to secure the safe passage of the vehicle.
    According to the decision of the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commision (EETT) No. 966/2 – Government Gazette 5266/B/30-11-2020,we inform all drivers that a call to 1075 is subject to the tariff policy applied by each telco provider. For your information, you may visit the website of your provider or/and the relevant observatory by EETT at:
    4. When passing the Toll Station, the Toll Collector will request from the driver of the oversized vehicle the protocol number of the Entrance Acceptance Form and will directly inform the Toll Station Supervisor. In the meantime, the driver is required to wait in the traffic lane until passage is verified (1-minute average time). Passing through Toll Stations should be executed only from the most right lane, especially designed for the passing of trucks.

By following the above process, professional users are able to enjoy the best possible service, while traffic safety on the motorway is enhanced.
The maximum permissible overall dimensions, in order to ensure the Motorway’s proper operation when overweight/oversized vehicles and construction machinery entering the motorway and tunnels, are the following:
Height: 4.80 m.


The above dimensions shall apply if not affected by the current traffic regulations for works carried out on the Motorway for which you may be informed by the traffic department.
It is clarified that the Entrance Acceptance Form does NOT constitute a permanent entrance pass and does not replace the entrance permit of oversized-overweight vehicles/construction machinery, as provided by Article 53 of the Traffic Codes and Regulations.

The Entrance Acceptance Form is a service provided by Nea Odos to professional users and offers overweight – oversized vehicles/construction machinery the ability to pass through the motorway, according to the planned works and the existing traffic conditions on the motorway.
For more information, please contact our Traffic department at +30 210 3447326.

Relevant forms: