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Safe & Secure Parking Places for Trucks
Every day, goods worth billions of euros are transported on the Trans-European Road Network, which forms the backbone of the European Union’s economy. One of the most important challenges that the transport industry has to manage concerns the safety of both the professional driver and the respective cargo. Currently, there is a lack of facilities to allow the safe parking of heavy vehicles while providing a minimum level of service to meet the social welfare of drivers.
The solution comes through the creation of a denser network of secure and protected truck parking areas (SSTPAs), with a clear definition regarding the services as well as the security levels provided. Safe and Protected Parking Areas (SSTPAs) are essential not only to tackle the growing problems of cargo theft, trespassing and assaults on drivers, but also because they ensure proper and safe rest for drivers, which contributes the most to road safety in total.
Nea Odos, loyal to its goal of being the best travel companion for professional drivers also, participates in the European program “Development of nine protected and safe parking spaces for trucks in Greece” (SSTPAs) which is implemented in collaboration with the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and through the financing initiative Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – Transport sector.
In particular, safe and protected SILVER level truck parking areas (lighting, 24-hour monitoring, authorized access, WC/Showers, rest area, snack bar, fenced area) are being created at the Atalanti Motorist Service Station on the A.Th.E. motorway (24 parking spaces) and at the Motorist Service Station Episkopikou on the Ionia Odos motorway (21 parking spaces). These spaces will also have the option of online pre-booking through a special platform that is being developed. The total cost of the project is estimated at 3.3 million euros.
ELECTRODOTO – elektrodoto.eu
“Electrodoto” program is a pioneering program of Nea Odos, with the goal of developing and implementing innovative actions to promote electric mobility as well as the collection and production of electricity on the national motorways.
The program is implemented in collaboration with the Democritus University of Thrace, the Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, the Center for Innovative Technologies and the company Creative Systems Engineering (C.S.E.).
The aim of this cooperation proposal is to develop and implement innovative actions to promote electrification, electricity generation and production on national motorways. In particular, the quantitative and spatial distribution of electric vehicle charging infrastructures is a very important factor that may hinder the rapid and widespread acceptance of electrification at national level. In this light, the project focuses primarily on the national road network that stretches between the areas of Athens and Lamia (part of the A.Th.E. motorway with a length of approximately 172.5 km) as well as Antirrio and Ioannina (Ionia Odos, with a total length of 196 km) due to the importance of the two motorways in terms of network and transport volume. On the second level, the innovative technologies / actions that will be developed are expected to be an important tool for Nea Odos,, but also an example of feasible green transport for the other national roads as well as the regional road network (diffusion of project results), thus contributing substantially to the promotion of electrification, reduction of pollutants and the increase of RES contribution to gross final consumption of energy, targets that are urgently imposed on the National Energy Planning and the National Energy and Climate Plan for the period until the year 2030.
The ultimate goal of the EcoDrive project is to develop an ecosystem of mechanisms and tools able to promote the adoption of ecological and safe driving. The system will interact with the users by creating a two-way communication relationship. On the one hand, the drivers will provide driving behavior and route data, and on the other hand, the system will provide helpful information on adopting eco-friendly driving strategies.To achieve this goal, data directly from users’ smartphones will be gathered and utilized with no user involvement. In order to improve the accuracy, advanced positioning and identification tools supported by Galileo Satellite Signals will be used. Within the framework of the project, advanced signal correction algorithms and other tools will be used to enhance the accuracy and integrity of the sensors’ signals.A naturalistic driving experiment will be conducted to collect the required data involving at least 50 drivers. Participants of the experiment will have access to the EcoDrive app on their smartphone and have an OBD-equipped vehicle to gather driving behavior data, fuel consumption, vehicle condition, and other external factors, such as time of day and type of road. These data will be enriched with traffic data provided by Athens Traffic Management Center for the same period. Then, sophisticated models will be developed to calculate fuel consumption and pollutant emissions, taking into account three main components: driving behavior, road geometry, and traffic conditions. The output of the model will be disseminated to the drivers in the form of eco-footprint and other valuable information.This research project is carried by OSeven Single Member Private Company, Nea Odos SA, the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering and the Laboratory of General Geodesy of National Technical University of Athens. Nea Odos role in the overall research program is decisive since it leads the overall initiative through the collection of data and the evaluation of the EcoDrive service through its fleet of vehicles.
FOTsis (European Field Operational Test on Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Road Operation) was a large-scale field testing of the road infrastructure management systems needed for the operation of seven close-to-market cooperative I2V, V2I & I2I technologies (the FOTsis Services), in order to assess in detail both 1) their effectiveness and 2) their potential for a full-scale deployment in European roads. Specifically, FOTsis tested the road infrastructure’s capability to incorporate the new cooperative systems technology and provide the following services in four European Test-Communities (Spain, Portugal, Germany and Greece) regrouping 9 Test-Sites:
- Emergency Management
- Safety Incident Management
- Intelligent Congestion Control
- Dynamic Route Planning
- Special Vehicle Tracking
- Advanced Enforcement
- Infrastructure Safety Assessment Using an integral and comprehensive approach
FOTsis reviewed the road infrastructure and communication networks required to secure a proper connectivity from the traffic control centers with the users/vehicles. Relying on the common European and open ITS architecture guideline proposal (supported by the project COMeSafety), able to incorporate available and future ITS services and systems, FOTsis aimed to contribute to the safety, mobility and sustainability challenges faced nowadays by the European road transport system. The project represented a major step forward to better connect vehicles, infrastructures and traffic management centers.