>>Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Ensuring the Health and Safety of all employees, constitutes a top priority and a key factor for the efficient, daily operation of Nea Odos.

The seamless work in a safe working place and the necessity to reduce industrial accidents constitutes a sustainable objective and commitment on behalf of the Company.

Nea Odos S.A. implements an Integrated Management System (IMS) in accordance with the InternationalISO 45001:2018 Standard. Within the framework of the IMS, the company aims at eliminating or minimizing risks related to employees, motorway users or third parties. It sets the appropriate priorities and establishes programs for implementing H&S Policy and achieving health & safety objectives and targets.

Nea Odos, with the support of independent H&S Consultants, offers its personnel the necessary services of a Safety Technician and Occupational Doctor, making sure that their health and occupational conditions are constantly monitored.

Finally, to crown the company’s commitment to ensuring the H&S for its personnel, Nea Odos provides a group insurance policy that offers health care services to all staff.